Wise Words for BYOD, Episode #1, with Dr Marcus Bowles, Adjunct professor Australian Maritime College & University of Tasmania. And Nina McMahon, Elan Projects. [Nina looks at a laptop for the duration of this video. She is using Skype on the laptop to video call Marcus.] [Nina] And so I'd like you to meet Dr. Marcus Bowles. Marcus what are you up to? [Marcus] I'm working with the Australian Maritime College at the University of Tasmania and we're playing around with a lot of digital technologies in learning. Particularly as if you look at the Maritime College, they have students all over the globe and we've got to do some pretty smart stuff. [Nina] So if you had one piece of advice to share with anyone in the VET sector who was looking at implementing bring your own device practice in their RTO, what would it be? [Marcus] I think the biggest issue if you talk about all the end user side of it right down stream of it I think the first thing is when you're doing your learning design, when you do your first analysis is actually trying to design out anything, anything, that makes it device specific. You need to be able to get your design phase right, and make sure that you're building the content so that it's completely agnostic to the type of device, operating system, or location of the student. [Nina] Great, thank you Marcus that's some really good advice. Thank you.